Friday, August 11, 2006


The other day I rode my bike through Weston and saw some really amazing shit and I'd talk more about it except that I feel somehow selfish and protective of it, like this was my beautiful shit and you can go find your own. But I've kind of given it away, because basically it was Weston. Weston is beautiful.

This summer has been really peaceful and amazing for me, even though I've done fuck all with it. I don't go out. I'm not funny. All I do is work and sit at home and watch movies or listen to music or sit on my deck thing and smoke weed and drink pop and read book, and basically I'm loving it. Sure I miss cracking myself up all the time, and I'm lonely for female company or whatever, but I've got to say, if the rest of my life were just me occasionally hanging out with the handful of friends I have left, and then sitting around my place by myself, that sounds pretty fucking great to me. No drama. No self-imposed desperation to do something "of substance".

In other words, fuck all of you all. If you need me, I'll be on my couch flippin through fashion magazines listening to Ghostface.

(Someone please love me and then invite me to their party.)

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