Sunday, June 11, 2006

y-fronts and dress shirts

It's Sunday again but now I've had enough sleep that I know where and who I am and what I'm doing. It turns out I'm the same old guy I always am, and I'm at home but I'm about to head back into work, and will almost certainly have to miss my Sunday basketball game this afternoon, which any faithful reader of this blog will know is a HUGE DISAPPOINMENT. If there anything that makes up for it though, it could be that I just caught a glimpse of myself in the full-length mirror, and I realized I'm wearing pretty much the exact outfit that young Tom Cruise wears while playing air guitar in Risky Business. I'm going to go listen to Bob Seger now. Oh no wait, sorry, I'm going to work now. I will put some pants on first. L8er 5ucker5!

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