Wednesday, June 14, 2006
I was planning to see what LIF was up to tonight so I decided to shave just in case, but it had been a while and so while I was hacking away with the beard trimmer its battery ran out and I was stuck attacking this pretty full beard directly with a razor that got duller and duller as the tedium progressed. I did the best I could, but my face feels pretty patchy and splotchy and I'm wondering if I should just hide from LIF or ask her out but make her promise not to look at me anywhere from the neck up.
Another thing about LIF: I think her computer thinks it's in eastern europe and whenever she sends me an email from home I have no idea when she sent it because I can't be bothered to subtract 7 hours from its timestamp.
I just went and did the subtraction from the last email she sent me, and it turns out it she wrote it at 7:46am, which only made my brain hurt more.
Another thing about LIF: I think her computer thinks it's in eastern europe and whenever she sends me an email from home I have no idea when she sent it because I can't be bothered to subtract 7 hours from its timestamp.
I just went and did the subtraction from the last email she sent me, and it turns out it she wrote it at 7:46am, which only made my brain hurt more.