Wednesday, June 14, 2006

chicken digits

Four years ago or so I went out for dinner with my then eight year old cousin and her parents and she ordered chicken fingers and french fries and I thought that was the ultimate child's order and ever since then whenever I'm with someone and they order chicken fingers and fries I've secretly thought to myself "how childish". But all this secret judging makes one hungry after a while and for quite some time now I've been having a massive craving for chicken fingers. After work tonight a bunch of people from my work went to a pool hall/restaurant in lovely port credit and I fucking went for it and they were probably the best chicken fingers ever had by man.

Please don't judge me.

And about having dinner with my cousin and her parents: when the food comes, even in a restaurant, we all hold hands in a circle and pray. I'm not fucking shitting you. I sometimes wonder how much the hardcore evangelical christian portion of my background has contributed to fucking me up to the extent that I'm fucked up. Probably 4%. The fact that my parents were utterly unchristian but left me completely on my own to deal with the rest of my family trying to christianize me while they didn't even acknowledge it was happening, maybe 9%.

And now my dad goes to church. I have no idea what the fuck that is about. Religion baffles me. But I'm going to Hungary for three weeks in September with two of my uncles to help spread the good word!!! (again, no shitting)

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